Anti-Cancer Therapy Options in Pediatric Patients, Prevalence of Oral Mucositis, and Treatment Strategies in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Biometrics System and its Uses in Forensic Science
Preventive Measures to Prevent the Abuse of Mydrapid and Plegica eye Drops as Narcotics in Palestine
The third issue was published, and in this issue you will read the following articles:
1- Patient Satisfaction after Breast Constructive Surgery in Teaching Hospitals in Khartoum State, Sudan 2018-2022
2- Diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency Diseases
3- Urethro-cutaneous fistula following Hypospadias repair treated at Gezira National Centre for Paediatrics Surgery (GNCPS)
4- L'imaginaire de l'espace et l'usage de l'hydronyme dans la poésie et la chanson féminines kabyles
5- Parkinson's disease and its effect on the human body
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