Anti-Cancer Therapy Options in Pediatric Patients, Prevalence of Oral Mucositis, and Treatment Strategies in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Biometrics System and its Uses in Forensic Science
Preventive Measures to Prevent the Abuse of Mydrapid and Plegica eye Drops as Narcotics in Palestine
The following research was published in the second issue:
1-Anti-diabetic and Hypoglycemic Effects of Turmeric: A review
2-The Possibility of Histological Tissue Preservation using Acacia Nodules
3-PILLS PAST & NEWS A review article
4-Cholera is a renewed epidemic in war and conflict zones The Idlib regions in northwestern Syria are an example
5-Evaluating the quality of health care services in hospitals from the perspective of patients
((An applied study on individuals who received treatment in northwestern Syria))
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DR.Iman Moussalli