Anti-Cancer Therapy Options in Pediatric Patients, Prevalence of Oral Mucositis, and Treatment Strategies in Saudi Arabia: A Cross-Sectional Survey
Biometrics System and its Uses in Forensic Science
Preventive Measures to Prevent the Abuse of Mydrapid and Plegica eye Drops as Narcotics in Palestine
The fourth issue has been published, and in this issue you will read the following articles:
-Measurement of the concentration of mercury and cadmium in some canned tuna products in the Libyan market - City Al-Khoms
-Review article on benefit of Fat-Soluble Vitamins as antioxidants
-Role of Acetic Acid Chromoendoscopy and Narrow Band Imaging for Diagnosis of Different Types of Gastritis
- اضطرابات النطق والكلام لدي أطفال الشلل الدماغي وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات بمراكز التربية الخاصة بمحافظة الجبيل بالسعودية
-مركز البحث في الأنثروبولوجيا الاحتماعية والثقافية وحدة البحث الأقاليم الناشئة والمجتمات
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DR.Iman Moussalli